Saturday, November 14, 2020

Audio 2

 This is from the audio on the Donald Judd exhibit at MoMA

Make art from the ordinary
Stuck into the middle
here is a different experience than I had before
Color, materials and space
Incredibly rich, because they say so much
Both viewable and hidden at the same time
include other people in your experience
It is asking for you to have an engagement with it
As you look at it you see movement
At one end of the temporal spectrum, feeling
the space in between
it's quite full of joy and exuberance
That didn't involve any romantic association with genius or creativity
Into how to be a person in this world

Audio MoMA

The lines are from the audio at MoMA from various paintings

It's like a beautiful nightmare
A beautiful blue sky and a calm horizon
In alternative realities, things that looked so real
A very controlled accident
An image of rebellion and personal transformation
What is it that we are loved for
Meditations on the transience of life
A claustrophobic erotic atmosphere
Luxury, calm and voluptuousness
It isn't necessarily a wonderful place to be
Forces of strength, ...the supernatural power
An enormous amount of control
Emphasizing the humanness
You don't believe in anything
To breathe and be alive.
Be alive is the point